$5.00 Annual General Meeting - Voting Share

Product Description
$5.00 Annual General Meeting - Voting Share
Want to have some input into the future of the Edmonton Ski Club? By purchasing this $5.00 share, you can make a valuable contribution to this not-for-profit society. Whether your involvement is initially as a volunteer at the numerous events and activities hosted here at ESC each year or by engaging and working within the organization to become one of our valued Board members, the opportunities are endless the right person.
For more information, please go to www.edmontonskiclub.com and the About Us section regarding voting shares and this volunteer participation opportunity.
Want to have some input into the future of the Edmonton Ski Club? By purchasing this $5.00 share, you can make a valuable contribution to this not-for-profit society. Whether your involvement is initially as a volunteer at the numerous events and activities hosted here at ESC each year or by engaging and working within the organization to become one of our valued Board members, the opportunities are endless the right person.
For more information, please go to www.edmontonskiclub.com and the About Us section regarding voting shares and this volunteer participation opportunity.